虐灵者(港),刑弑厉(台),刑罚 The Crucifixion...
杀机弥漫(台),赶尽杀绝 Kill'em All...
The Cow,夜幕降临 Gone in the Night...
I Lived,我-活过 I-Lived...
The Advocate2013,The Advocate...
詭鏡,命带追逐 Mirror Image...
地下弒的秘密(台),我们保守的秘密 The Secrets We Keep...
列车上的女孩(港/台),火车上的女孩 The Girl on the Train...
路易的第九条命,The Ninth Life of Louis Drax,路易·德拉克斯的第九条命 The 9th Life of Louis Drax...
迷懵梦寐(台),玛莲邪教离魂曲(港),玛莎·玛西·梅·玛琳,双面玛莎 Martha Marcy May Marlene...
无名风云(港),无名氏(台),莎士比亚的秘密(台),佚名,匿名文豪,匿名者 Anonymous...
野东西4:四人组,玩尽杀绝4:四人组 Wild Things: Foursome...
死亡珍珠 The Pearl of Death1944,死亡珍珠 The Pearl of Death...
Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman,福尔摩斯和蜘蛛女 The Spider Woman...
盲人破巨案,雾都疑案 23 Paces To Baker Street...
去年夏天,夏日惊魂,忽尔昨夏,夏日痴魂 Suddenly, Last Summer...
香閨驚魂(港),午夜蕾丝 Midnight Lace...
窥凶杀人(港),恐怖社区(台),窗后的连环杀人案,后窗惊魂 Disturbia...
恶夜追缉令,月黑风急杀人夜,炎热的夜晚 In the Heat of the Night...
千禧三部曲I:龙纹身的女孩(台),龙纹身女孩,龙纹身的女孩 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...