三十分钟恋爱 / Love Trilogy...
怪物先生Monster Run / Mr. Monster...
鳄潭群英会猎狮计划 / A Queen's Ransom / Operation Regina...
鬼话连篇国语灵异人间 / 幽灵人间3:鬼话连篇 / Ghost On Line...
鬼话连篇粤语灵异人间 / 幽灵人间3:鬼话连篇 / Ghost On Line...
鬼味人间II:鬼屋幻影Spirit in a Violent House / Ghost House...
黑道少林Shaolin Gang...
大哥让位Retreat of the Godfather...
半生缘粤语Eighteen Springs / Boon Sang Yuen...
北京乐与路跳豆 / Beijing Rocks...
出土奇兵The Figures from Earth / Out Earth Strange Soldier...
赤裸性对抗Deadly Past...
爱得起粤语Give Love...
三宝闹深圳三个活宝闹深圳 / Hong Kong People in Shenzhen / The.Lost.Necklace...
黄飞鸿之三:狮王争霸粤语黄飞鸿3 / 黄飞鸿之狮王争霸 / Once Upon a Time in China III...
水浒传之英雄本色国语英雄本色 / All Man Are Brothers-Blood and Dragon Sabre / Water Margin: True Colors of Heroes / All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard...
你OK,我OKYou're OK, I'm OK...
千王之王2000国语The Tricky Master...
佛跳墙The Mad Monk...
鬼马神偷粤语The Big Sting...