诡屋惊凶实录2(港),厉阴宅2(台),招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼,The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist,招魂2 The Conjuring 2...
异形爆仓(港),24号仓库,24号储藏室 Storage 24...
灵体盛宴 A Banquet2021,灵体盛宴 A Banquet...
灵动档案(台),搜灵(港),觉醒 The Awakening...
寂屋出租(台),定居,入侵隐私 The Resident...
深入绝地(台),魔洞,暗袭,魔窟,黑暗侵袭 The Descent...
The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas,可恶的雪人,极地战将 The Abominable Snowman...
弗兰肯斯坦的邪恶,邪恶的科学怪人 The Evil of Frankenstein...
The Crimson Cult,猩红色的邪教,红邪 Curse of the Crimson Altar...
们(台),人类,人们,男人们,人山人海,男人 Men...
血溅坟场 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave1968,血溅坟场 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave...
要你吓破胆,歼魔记 Die, Monster, Die!...
马戏班魔王,马戏团疑案,马戏团疑云 Circus of Horrors...
Carry on Vampire,猛鬼嬉春 Carry On Screaming!...
梦之村,遭诅咒的村庄,准午前十时,魔童村 Village of the Damned...
恶魔瘟疫,僵尸谷惊魂 The Plague of the Zombies...
厌恶,反拨,排斥,冷血惊魂 Repulsion...
亲吻吸血鬼,吸血鬼之吻 The Kiss of the Vampire...
古堡怪客,吸血僵尸,Dracula,恐怖德古拉 Horror of Dracula...